Copyrighted by Integrated Biometrics Inc., 2008
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1.8 TRU for Approval Tab
1.8.1 Click on Menu Selection “Management” and select “TRU & Forced Controls” from the
Dropdown Menu.
1.8.2 There are two tabs at the top of this window, “Approved TRU” and “TRU for Approval.”
1.8.3 Click on the “TRU for Approval” tab and the window shown below will appear.
1.8.4 This window contains the “List of TRU’s for Approval” section. It also contains two
sections, “List of Force Controls” and “Force Control allocation to TRU” that were also contained
in the tab, “Approved TRU,” that we just covered. These two sections perform exactly the
same in this window and we will not address them here.
1.8.5 When a TRU is configured in the TermIPConfig program, covered later in this manual. This
window is used to approve that TRU for use.
1.8.6 Click on the “Refresh” Icon (Check Mark) to display any TRU’s that have been configured
but not yet approved.
1.8.7 Click on the “Approve” Icon (U shaped arrow) or right click on the desired TRU and select
Approve. The “TRU” window that appears is shown below.
1.8.8 Fill in a unique ID number and a Name. The Mac Address field will already be filled in for
the TRU that was configured for approval.
Click on the TRU
for Approval tab to
display this
Click on the Refresh Icon to
bring up in this window any
TRU’s that have been
configured but not approved