3. To make sure can connect to the camera with your PC, ping the IP
address you set. Open command prompt and type the IP address
you set. If the message of “Reply from…” appears, it means
communication is established.
4. Start a browser and enter the IP address:
, a
pop-upwindow will appear and will require you to login. Enter the
default user name:
and password:
1234 to login
5. Please install the ActiveX viewer that is required to monitor H.264,
MPEG4 and M-JPEG video modes.
6. Images of the camera can be viewed through your web browser IE
V.6.0 & up. Before viewing, you have to follow the steps below.
Security level settings
How to Change Security options in your browser
1. From the Tool menu, select Internet options.
2. Click on the Security tab.
3. If the camera is on the INTRAnet Click the Local intranet icon,
If the camera is on the INTERnet click the Internet icon.