1. Fuel cell stack
A fuel cell stack is a device that con-
verts the chemical energy into elec-
tricity thorough a chemical reaction
with hydrogen and oxygen. Fuel cell
is different from battery in that it
requires hydrogen and oxygen con-
stantly in order to operate. And it can
produce electricity continually for as
long as hydrogen and oxygen are
supplied. A fuel cell stack is com-
posed of many unit cells to obtain the
desired power for a vehicle.
2. FCEV powertrain
1. High voltage junction box
2. Fuel cell stack
3. Traction motor
4. Reduction gear
5. Air compressor
The main components of FCEV are
Fuel cell stack, air processing sys-
tem, fuel processing system, thermal
management system, hydrogen stor-
age tanks, high voltage battery, DC-
DC converter, inverter and traction
motor, gear differential unit.
The Air compressor supplies air to fuel
cell system and the hydrogen storage
tanks supplies hydrogen fuel to fuel
cell system. Then the electric energy
comes from the fuel cell system.
The electric energy delivered to the
motor inverter. The energy finally
moves to motor operating.
If you assemble or disassemble
the stack and fuel cell system,
hydrogen may leak resulting in
fire and this may lead to acci-
dents. Never assemble or disas-
semble the stack and fuel cell