Driving your vehicle
System Setting and Activation
System setting
• The driver can activate the sys-
tems by placing the power button
to the ON position and by selecting
"Vehicle settings
Driver assis-
Blind-spot safety
Cross-Traffic Safety" on
Infotainment system screen. The
RCCA and RCCW turn on and get
ready to be activated when 'Rear
Cross-Traffic Safety' is selected.
• When the vehicle is turned off then
on again, the systems are always
ready to be activated.
• When the system is initially turned
on and when the vehicle is turned
off then on again, the warning light
will illuminate for 3 seconds on the
outer side view mirror.
The driver can select the initial warn-
ing activation time in the User
Settings in the Infotainment system
screen by selecting 'Vehicle settings
Driver Assistance
Timing'. The options for the initial
Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning
includes the following:
- Normal:
When this condition is selected, the
initial Rear Cross-Traffic Collision
Warning is activated normally. If this
setting feels sensitive, change the
option to 'Later'.
The warning activation time may feel
late if the a vehicle at the side or rear
abruptly accelerates.
- Later:
Select this warning activation time
when the traffic is light and you are
driving in a low speed.
If you change the warning timing, the
warning time of other systems may
change. Always be aware before
changing the warning timing.
The driver can select the warning
volume of the Rear Cross-Traffic
Collision Warning in the Vehicle
Settings in the Infotainment system
screen by selecting 'Vehicle settings
Driver Assistance
High/Medium/ Low'.
For more information refer to the
separately supplied Navigation
If you change the warning volume, the
warning volume of other systems may
change. Always be aware before
changing the warning volume.