Diesel engine
Diesel fuel
Diesel engine must be operated only
on commercially available diesel fuel
that complies with EN 590 or compa-
rable standard. (EN stands for
"European Norm"). Do not use
marine diesel fuel, heating oils, or
non-approved fuel additives, as this
will increase wear and cause dam-
age to the engine and fuel system.
The use of non-approved fuels and /
or fuel additives will result in a limita-
tion of your warranty rights.
Diesel fuel of above cetane 51 is
used in your vehicle. If two types of
diesel fuel are available, use summer
or winter fuel properly according to
the following temperature conditions.
• Above -5°C (23°F) ... Summer type
diesel fuel.
• Below -5°C (23°F) ... Winter type
diesel fuel.
Watch the fuel level in the tank very
carefully : If the engine stops through
fuel failure, the circuits must be com-
pletely purged to permit restarting.
Commercially supplied Diesel blends
of no more than 7% biodiesel, com-
monly known as "B7 Diesel" may be
used in your vehicle if Biodiesel meets
EN 14214 or equivalent specifications.
(EN stands for "European Norm"). The
use of biofuels exceeding 7% made
from rapeseed methyl ester (RME),
fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), veg-
etable oil methyl ester (VME) etc. or
mixing diesel exceeding 7% with
biodiesel will cause increased wear or
damage to the engine and fuel sys-
tem. Repair or replacement of worn or
damaged components due to the use
of non approved fuels will not be cov-
ered by the manufactures warranty.
Do not let any gasoline or water
enter the tank. This would make
it necessary to drain it out and
to bleed the lines to avoid jam-
ming the injection pump and
damaging the engine.
It is recommended to use the
regulated automotive diesel
fuel for diesel vehicle equipped
with the DPF system.
If you use diesel fuel including
high sulfur (more than 50 ppm
sulfur) and unspecified addi-
tives, it can cause the DPF sys-
tem to be damaged and white
smoke can be emitted.
Never use any fuel, whether
diesel, B7 biodiesel or other-
wise, that fails to meet the lat-
est petroleum industry speci-
Never use any fuel additives
or treatments that are not rec-
ommended or approved by
the vehicle manufacturer.