Convenient features of your vehicle
Air conditioning
Push the A/C button to manually turn
the system on (indicator light will illu-
minate) and off.
OFF mode
Push the OFF button to turn the cli-
mate control system off. You can still
operate the mode and air intake but-
tons as long as the ignition switch is
in the ON position.
System Operation
1. Select the Face Level
2. Set the air intake control to the
outside (fresh) air position.
3. Set the temperature control to the
desired position.
4. Set the fan speed control to the
desired speed.
1. Select the Floor Level
2. Set the air intake control to the
outside (fresh) air position.
3. Set the temperature control to the
desired position.
4. Set the fan speed control to the
desired speed.
5. If dehumidified heating is desired,
turn the air conditioning system on.
If the windshield fogs up, select the
Floor & Defrost
mode or press
the Front Defrost
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