2200 SRM 1286
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
If any of the parameter values are changed, the
operators must be told the lift truck will oper-
ate differently.
NEVER adjust any of the following parameters
without using the procedures and settings
given in this section.
Parameters can be adjusted through the dash display
LCD. These parameters can also be accessed using
the ETACC PC software.
Extended Shift
This parameter when on, will reduce traction perfor-
mance by 15% to provide extended battery shift life.
The parameter may be set to the OFF or ON condi-
Walk Speed (Both Directions)
This parameter sets the maximum truck speed for
forward and reverse directions when the truck is in
“Walk” mode. Increasing the setting will increase
the truck speed. Decreasing the setting will decrease
truck speed.
Hi Speed (FWD)
This parameter sets the maximum forward speed of
the lift truck when the truck is in “Ride” mode. In-
creasing the setting increases the speed. Decreasing
the setting will decrease the speed.
Hi Speed (REV)
This parameter sets the maximum reverse speed of
the lift truck when the truck is in “Ride” mode. In-
creasing the setting increases the speed. Decreasing
the setting will decrease the speed.
Minimum Acceleration
This parameter sets the minimum acceleration rate
of the lift truck when the truck is in traveling at the
lowest throttle. Increasing the setting increases the
minimum rate of acceleration. Decreasing the set-
ting will decrease the minimum rate of acceleration.
Maximum Acceleration
This parameter sets the maximum acceleration rate
of the lift truck when the truck is traveling at max-
imum throttle. Increasing the setting increases the
maximum rate of acceleration. Decreasing the set-
ting will decrease the maximum rate of acceleration.
This parameter controls the maximum rate of decel-
eration when the speed control is fully moved to the
opposite direction from the direction of travel while
the truck is moving. Increasing this setting will in-
crease the rate of deceleration. Decreasing the set-
ting will reduce the rate of deceleration.
This parameter controls the rate of deceleration
when the speed control is returned to the neutral po-
sition and the ADS-Throttle parameter is set above
1. Setting the value at 1 will result in no effect on
the rate of deceleration; the truck will coast until it
comes to a stop. Increasing the value will increase
the rate of deceleration. Decreasing the value will
decrease the rate of deceleration.
This parameter controls the rate of deceleration
when the speed control is partially reduced and the
ADS-Throttle parameter is set above 1.
the value at 1 will result in no effect on the rate of
deceleration; the truck will coast until it reaches
the lower throttle speed. Increasing the value will
increase the rate of deceleration.
Decreasing the
value will decrease the rate of deceleration.
Pick Acceleration
This parameter controls the rate of acceleration
when the coast control switch is activated. Increas-
ing the value will increase the rate of acceleration.
Decreasing the value will decrease the rate of accel-