HyperSID Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -HyperSynth
Master Settings
Master Vol:
Controls the main output of the
synth and it is limited to 16 steps .
(SID Limitation)
Selects between Monophonic mode
or 3 Voice Polyphonic .
enables or disables keyboard graphic
(Read the note)
Sends incoming MIDI notes through the MIDI OUT port.
(Read the note)
Select MIDI OUT:
this drop down list determines the hardware MIDI out port which
HyperSID hardware unit is connected.
if you press on this button the FPB control window will appear.
resets the Hardware unit and mutes all the sounds.
The Graphic keyboard of HyperSID is a little CPU hungry we will try to fix this problem
in the future versions. For now in order to get the better CPU performance you can turn off
the keyboard. THR must always be selected to transfer incoming notes to hardware unit
otherwise just knobs data transferred via the MIDI link.
FPB Control
The front panel backlight (FPB) functions as a MIDI driven
Visualization in the enhanced series of HyperSID HW unit.
Changing FPB parameters will have no effects on the old
HW units without backlight.
Brightness Slider:
sets the FPB brightness.
enables or disables the FBP functionality.
For normal operation Enable switch must be selected
And always off must be unselected.
Always off:
forces the HW unit to disable FPB even in the
Next start up or power down.
Link to:
here you can select the modulation sources to
Modulate the brightness.
Pitch bend:
: sets the pitch bend range. The pitch bend range can be
Between 1 and 12 semitones, which means a setting of 12 will
Bend one octave up or down. Note that some VSTi hosts also have
A setting for pitch bend range, in order to get a correct pitch bend range
This feature must be disabled or set to 12 semitones.