cells in both packs are balanced within 0.05V of each other, or better. This allows you, after balance charging is complete, to safely connect the
two packs in series and fly them as a single unit in your model.
he LBA 10 Net Balancer can be connected as in the preceding diagram, in order to balance charge two similar packs such that the voltage of all
mode on Network Switch, one on MASTER mode
SLBA10-MSC, as shown above by the blue line between
t the two remaining Red/Black LBA 10 INPUT LEADS to the Charger, via the two male 4mm gold plugs
BA first!
k to the Red/Black LBA OUTPUT wires
you have trouble, it is most like that the first Slave LBA has timed out before you got all the connections made. Arranging the various
isconnection after charging is finished by reversing the sequence above.
-- Connecting Packs in Series before Flight, Disconnecting before Charging or ‘Disconnect Mode Balancing’ ----
OTE: When wiring two packs in series for flight, we suggest using Gold Bullet Connectors of the appropriate current rating. Hyperion offers
ake it
hen Charge, Discharge, or Disconnect Balancing each of these packs, the main RED/BLACK wires must all be disconnected. Then each LBA’s
Male Connector on battery (+) is industry standard. Batteries do not have Ground (Earth), so it doesn’t matter if the (+) connector has exposed
Set one LBA10 to SLAVE
Connect the 4mm Female-Female Series Adapter from option pack #HP-EO
Positive/Negative Input Cables of the two LBA units. Connect the NETWORK CABLE, as shown by the Orange line, between the two LB
Connect the appropriate 2S-6S balance harness to each LBA 10
Connect the appropriate pack to the balance harness on SLAVE L
Connect the appropriate pack to the balance harness on MASTER LBA
Quickly (within 12 seconds) connect the Main Leads of each lithium pac
Press the MODE button to enter CONNECTION mode (or leave ‘as is’ to DISCONNECT balance without charging)
Start your charger (unless you are disconnect balancing!)
components carefully on the table beforehand is very helpful. After a little practice, it’ll be easy...
3.5mm short gold connectors for battery <> ESC connections up to 25A continuous (40A peak /10 seconds), 4mm long connectors for 20~60A
continuous (80A peak/10 seconds), and 6mm short connectors for 40A~80A continuous, (110A peak /10 seconds). It is always well to keep the
wires between Battery and Speed Controller (ESC) as short as possible [they should never be made longer than as supplied by maker - if necessar
add length to wires between Motor and ESC instead]. For packs which will always be paired in Series in your model, we recommend that you cut
short the RED wire on one pack and the BLACK wire on the OTHER pack - just long enough that the two wires can be joined by a single Male/Female
pair of Bullet Connectors. The remaining longer RED wire should have a MALE connector attached*, and the remaining longer BLACK wire a
FEMALE connector. These two will connect to your ESC. In this way, you not only reduce the total length of battery<>ESC circuit, you also m
very clear which two leads get connected for Series (the short ones). BE SURE YOU NEVER SHORT THE TWO BATTERIES BY CONNECTING THEM
DIRECTLY TOGETHER! (it may sound silly, but can happen if you aren’t paying attention!)
Output Wires connected directly to each battery pack’s main Red/Black wires.
metal (as long as ONE of the two connectors is shielded, you’re ok). Your charger does have ground, however. Therefore you want the FEMALE
connector on charger side (+) Output, because it is covered completely with shrink tubing. As such, it cannot short on the grounded (-) metal cas
of the charger.
(2S and 3S harnesses are included with LBA10. 4S, 5S, 6S available as accessory items)