(If Red or Amber lights are OFF, replace lamp or switch.) Boiler may be in an ignition seqence - wait 40 seconds
for an attempt at ignition (Green Light ON).
If there is no attempt at ignition: turn Rocker Switch on boiler OFF and ON. Observe and clock the time the GC-4A
light is ON.
- If within 45 seconds, the Green Light is lit; or there is an audible attempt at ignition, proceed to condition “E”.
- If the GC-4A light is blinking after 3 min. 45 sec., proceed to condition “E”.
- If the GC-4A light is ON after 3 min. 45 sec. with no attempt at ignition, proceed with check below.
Combustion Prove Pressure
Turn Rocker Switch OFF. Remove
If boiler has attempted ignition
Switch PS1 (N.O. Contacts)
one purple wire from PS1 Pressure
(Green Light ON) and the GC-4A light
- Pressure Switch adjusting
Switch. Turn Rocker Switch ON,
is blinking. Pressure Switch is
is factory set at 5" W.C.
wait 3 min. 45 sec.
defective. Replace switch.
If GC-4A remains ON, Pressure
Switch is ok. Reconnect purple wire
and proceed with check.
Blocked Inlet Pressure
Turn Rocker Switch OFF. Jumper
If boiler is running, replace Pressure
Switch (PS3) (N.C. Contacts)
Pressure Switch PS3 Terminals.
(Factory setting fixed)
Turn Rocker Switch ON. Wait
Supplied on AM-150 only
3 min. 45 sec.
If GC-4A light is blinking, replace
Pressure Switch (PS3) and proceed
to condition “E”.
If GC-4A light is ON, Pressure Switch
is ok. Proceed with check.
Turn Rocker Switch OFF. Remove
If no continuity, check wiring until
the 6-pin Molex connector from the
continuity is obtained.
GC-4A control. With and ohmmeter
check for continuity from pin 5
If continuity, reattach connector to
(Lt Blue wire) to pin 1 (White wire)
GC-4A. Turn Rocker Switch ON.
on the supply wiring side of the
If after 3 min. 45 sec. the GC-4A
connector plug.
light is on (not blinking) replace GC-4A.
NOTE: On the AM-150 contacts
on PS-3 should be closed.