Boiler Overfired
Check gas supply pressure and
Adjust supply pressure and/or input
gas input rate as described in
rate as necessary. If boiler is in
“Procedures” section of this
operation more than 5 years - it is
recommended to install a tune-up kit.
“ACC” to Boiler Gasket
Place your ear against the boiler
If sound level is not uniform, a gasket
jacket approx. 14" from top. Circle
leak may be suspect. With the lid
the boiler. Check for uniform sound
removed visually check the gasket
for uniform sound level.
from inside the ACC - at the
boiler/ACC seam. (Remove the
insulation from the side wall prior to
visualcheck-AM-300). If a gap is
identified, fill with silicon. See
“Procedures” section if gasket
replacement is required.
Insulation between Top
Remove jacket top cover & check
Adjust as necessary.
Jacket Access Panel &
that insulation is in place.
Air Cushion Chamber
(A.C.C.) Lid
A.C.C. Lid & Gasket
Turn Rocker Switch & gas valve top
If gasket has gaps, tears, etc.,
knob “OFF.” Check if lid is securely
replace entire gasket. If nuts
fastened. Remove “ACC” lid. Check
securing lid are loose, tighten them.
gasket between “ACC” & lid is intact.
Valve Discs (G.C.C.)
Remove Gas Cushion Chamber
1. If valve discs have torn edges or
(GCC) and inspect bottom of valve
holes - replace discs.
plate. [Remove fan assembly
2. If foreign particles are between
(AM-100/-150 only) to get access
valve plate & valve retaining
to (GCC)]. Valve discs must move
plate - remove them.
freely & not bind.
3. If valve discs are missing;
“wrinkled” or “stiff” - replace them.
Check condensate drain/exhaust
lines for partial blockage.
Combustion Chamber Inlet
Remove and check that inlet is flat
If coned, remove inlet & carefully
(Flame Trap Assy).
& not coned in either direction.
align corrugation edges. DO NOT
(Replacement Gaskets
DISTORT. (Check O-ring).
Reassemble boiler when completed.
AM-100/-150 flame trap assy. is a
replacement part.