6. Allow sump level to rise to
start other pump(s). Notice run
lights to panel. Pumps should
alternate on each successive
cycle of op er a tion.
7. Turn both H-O-A switches
to Off position and allow sump
to fill to the override control
8. Turn switches to Auto position,
and pumps should start and
op er ate together until level
drops to turn-off point.
9. Repeat this operation cycle
sev er al times before leaving
the job.
10.Check voltage when pumps are
operating, and check the
amp draw of each pump.
Check amps on each wire as
sometimes a high leg will
exist. One leg can be
some what higher by 5 to 10
per cent without causing trouble.
For excessive amp draw on
one leg, the electric utility
company should be consulted.
Servicing instructions:
iMPortANt: read all the
directions before replacing
any parts.
WArNiNg: Before handling
these pumps and controls,
always dis con nect the pow er
Do not smoke or use sparkable
elec tri cal devices or flames in
a septic (gaseous) or possible
septic sump.
Field Service on Hydromatic
Hazardous Location Pumps:
If a Hydromatic hazardous
location pump is used in a
hazardous location or if the pump
is still in war ran ty, the pump
must be returned to the factory
for service or repaired in an
au tho rized Hydromatic service
center. Charg es will not be
allowed if (in war ran ty) pump is
taken to a motor repair shop that is
not an authorized Hydromatic
service cen ter. This will ensure
the integrity of the hazardous
location rating of the pump and
com ply with our warranty
require ments. Pumps out of
warranty and not used in a
hazardous location can be
field serviced by any reputable
serviceman. When any field
servicing is per formed on a pump,
the fol low ing in struc tions should
be followed care ful ly.
Disconnecting Pump Cords:
If a Hydromatic
location pump is to be removed
from its lo ca tion, one of two ways
may be used to disconnect the
pump cords from the rest of the
Pump cords may be disconnected
at control panel (on sump mounted
con trol panels) and cord as sem bly
taken with pump.
CAUtioN: if cord openings
from sump to con trol panel are
open, gas es from sump could
enter panel and an explosive
condition could ex ist.
Pump cords may be disconnected
at pump by removing the cord
and cap assembly, unplugging
sensor wires, and re mov ing
wire nuts.
After removal from pump,
reinstall wire nuts in cord and cap
assembly and install protective
cover. (Hydromatic Kit 11159-
CAUtioN: Do not reconnect
pow er to a cord and cap assembly
while removing from pump.
replacing Cords:
The power cord and heat
sensor - seal failure cord is
potted into the con nec tion box
cap, forming the cord and
cap assembly.
If cords require replacement due
to damage or cords being too
short, cord and cap assembly
must be replaced as a complete
assembly avail able from factory.
1. Remove cord and cap assembly
from con nec tion box.
2. Disconnect wires taking note
of color/num ber coding.
3. Connect
cord and cap as sem bly in
the same manner as the old
one was removed.
4. Check for moisture and
dry rot.
5. Reinstall cord and cap assembly
on con nec tion box taking care
not to pinch wires.
As the motors are oil filled, no
lubrication or other main te nance
is re quired.
If the heat sensor and seal failure
are hooked up properly, no
attention is necessary as long as
the seal failure indicator light
doesn’t come on. To ensure
continuity of the seal sensor leads,
a test light is provided on
in trin si cal ly safe Hydromatic
panels as standard equipment.
Pump should be checked every
quar ter for cor ro sion and wear.
Summary of Contents for S4NX
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