Starting the Pump:
To start the pump, perform the
following steps in order:
1. If pump is 3 phase, the rotation
of the impeller must first be
checked. Lift pump from
sump, lay it down, and quickly
turn pump on and then off.
The impeller should turn
counterclockwise when viewed
from the suction. If rotation is
wrong, turn off main breaker
and interchange any two line
leads to motor to correct
If the pump is piped-in
permanently and inlet cannot
be observed, rotation will have
to be checked by pump
operation described later.
If pump is single phase, no
rotation check is necessary.
2. Run water into sump until
motor is covered.
3. Open gate valve in discharge
4. Turn pump on. If pump runs
and sump liquid does not pump
down, stop pump and close
discharge gate valve. Then lift
pump until sealing flange is
open to vent off trapped
air. Lower pump, open
discharge valve, and start the
pump again.
If the pump is piped in
permanently, it may be
necessary to break union at
pump discharge to clear air.
5. If pump is 3 phase, piped-in
permanently, and still does not
operate properly after venting,
rotation is wrong and can be
reversed by interchanging any
two line leads.
6. Level controls should be set so
that pump turns off when level
is about 2 inches above inlet
and turns on when level is
about 2 inches above motor.
CAUTION: Be sure ground
wire is connected to a good
ground such as a water pipe.
This is important for safety.
Axial Cutter Adjustment:
To maintain the proper face
clearance between the axial cutter
(5) and the cutter ring (6), follow
this procedure:
1. Close gate valve at pump
2. Turn off circuit breaker.
CAUTION: Never work on
pump unless power has been
turned off
3. Remove pump from sump.
4. Referring to Figure 1, loosen
jam nuts (41) on set screws
(48) located on top of bearing
housing (9).
5. Loosen set screws (48).
6. Tighten hex head capscrews
(32) until axial cutter (5) just
drags on cutter ring (6)
when radial cutter (4) is
turned by hand.
7. Back off on hex screws
8. Tighten setscrews (48) to lift
axial cutter (5) for proper
face clearance.
9. Tighten jam nuts (41) on
setscrews (48).
10.Again turn radial cutter (4) by
hand to determine if shaft has
any drag.
11.If there is still some drag,
repeat above steps and back off
hex screws (32) further.
IMPORTANT: Be sure that
both hex screws (32) are
tightened or loosened the same
amount and that the setscrews
(48) are tight against the motor
housing (8). Also, remember that
the setscrews (48) increase the
clearance while the hex screws
(32) decrease the clearance.
Replacing Grinder Parts:
If necessary to replace grinder
parts because of wear or to inspect
for clogging, refer to Page 7.
1. Close gate valve at pump
2. Turn off circuit breaker.
CAUTION: Never work on
pump with power on. Be sure
ground wire from pump is
connected to a good ground
such as a water pipe.
3. Remove pump from sump.
4. Unscrew capscrews (40) and
remove cutter ring retainer (1).
5. Unscrew hex head capscrews
(35) and remove volute case
(2). Cutter ring (6) can now be
removed from volute (2). Keep
both shims (22) for reassembly
as necessary.
6. Radial cutter (4) and axial
cutter (5) are now exposed.
If checking for clogging, these
parts can now be cleaned
without removing them from
the shaft.