Waste Pump Switch
When switch is turned to the ON position,
Waste Pump operation is controlled by the Float
Switch in the Recovery Tank. Pump will remain
off until water level rises to the point at which
the float switch will turn the Waste Pump ON.
Do not turn Waste Pump Switch ON unless a
hose is connected to the Pump-out Outlet port.
Vacuum #1
When the switch is turned to the ON
position power is supplied to the vacuum
motor. (2-Stage Vacuum)
Solution Pump Switch
When the switch is turned to the ON position
power is supplied to the solution pump motor.
The pump will run until the pressure builds up in
the solution line and the pressure switch on the
pump will turn the pump OFF. When the tool is
sprayed the pressure drops, the pressure switch
turns the pump back ON.
When not using solution (Extracting Only) do not
turn this switch ON.
Vacuum #2
When the switch is turned to the ON
position power is supplied to the vacuum
motor. (2-Stage Vacuum)