COIP CDMA Voice Gateway
1). Inband DTMF
The inband DTMF transmits dialing tones and call voices together, without any processing.
Therefore, the inband DTMF transmits DTMF signals through a single way.
2). Outband DTMF
The outband DTMF transmits dialing tones over protocols, such as RFC2833, which can
ensure the validity of the transmission.
G. Signaling QoS
Quality of Service (QoS) is a network
s capacity to provide priority services, including the
special bandwidth, jitter control and delay (used for real-time and interactive traffic), and
improvement of the packet loss ratio. This parameter is used to mark the specified QoS label
for the call signaling packet to increase the network service quality.
3.5.2 SIP Phone
The SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a simple network protocol that has less hierarchy and
facilitates the initiation of calls among users. The calls may be conducted between two or
more users, which include the sounds, images, session, interactive games, and virtual reality. Setting Mode
The VoIP channel of the COIP can be set in the following three modes: single server, line
setting, and trunk gateway.
Figure 3-31 Setting Mode in the SIP Terminal