– Family manual
HW group
68 / 104
HWg SDK is a library of functions, as well as examples of their use, for Unix and Windows. The
functions are intended to help third-party SW solutions communicate with our products over IP. SDK
reduces the time needed to implement support for our products into your SW.
HWg SDK is free of charge
; however, you need to register before downloading. After
competing the registration you will receive a link to the latest version download.
HWg SDK is available in
English only
SDK installs to the Windows environment, its interface is HTML-based.
When is the SDK useful for you? For example, Poseidon products share the readings in a well-
documented XML file. A simple XML parser is sufficient to transform the data into another structure.
However, to receive alarm alerts, a SNMP trap parser needs to be implemented, and so on.
All of these functions use standard interfaces. On the other hand, unless you already have a
complete SNMP implementation in your software, it is easier to use HWg SDK functions that invoke
the respective event handlers in your software.
Basic SDK features
HWg SDK is simple to understand
HWg SDK speeds up the implementation of HW group products in your SW
With HWg SDK, you don’t have to worry about future changes of structures, interface
updates, and so on
HWg SDK is ready to work with most programming languages
Structure according to the programming language
Visual Basic (6.0)
(all 3xx examples)
Borland C++
(all 1xx examples)
(all 4xx examples)
Microsoft Visual C++
(all 2xx examples)
(all 5xx examples)
examples that do not directly use SDK functions (all 9xx examples)