HCT User Guide
page 28
Copyright © 2001 HutchColor, LLC
User_Guide_43.docx 2/10/19
Recommended workflow
The following workflow acquires a ‘raw RGB’ scan without any image-specific scanner adjustments,
and applies a ‘static’ scanner profile to the raw scan. This workflow is recommended for all
demanding work, especially when the best possible match to the original is required.
Basic step-by-step overview
Scan an image with identical settings to the profiling scan with highlight and shadow densities
fixed at about 0.10 and 4.00 respectively. Do NOT set highlight or shadow on the scanner.
Do NOT scan with any USM.
In Photoshop 6 (or higher), assign the scanner profile then (optionally) convert the image to an
RGB working space like DonRGB4 (
View the image through the CMYK profile with Command - Y.
Create an adjustment layer for Levels and set the optimum white and black point of the image.
If necessary, create a Curves adjustment layer to lighten or darken or remove a color cast.
If necessary, create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to correct specific colors.
Save the RGB image with adjustment layers for use on subsequent corrections.
Convert the image to CMYK by 'Image - Mode - Convert to Profile' using perceptual intent and
Apple CMM. Be sure to flatten the image in the conversion to apply the adjustment layers.
Apply USM to the CMYK image and submit a proof.
: As with all workflows, accuracy and consistency are dependent on many factors, only one of
which is the profile. Following this workflow does not necessarily guarantee accurate results.
Advanced workflow training
For more detailed instructions or custom RGB workflow training, contact the author at
[email protected].