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IMPORTANT:  This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects.  Failure to observe the following safety 

•           Stop the blade if the lawnmower has to be tilted for trans por ta tion 

when crossing surfaces other than grass, and when transport-
ing the lawnmower to and from the area to be mowed.

•           Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, or without 

safety devices, for example defl ectors and/or grass catchers, 
in place.

•      Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed 

the engine.  Operating the engine at excessive speed may 
increase the hazard of personal injury.

•      Disengage all blade and drive clutches before starting the 


•       Start the engine or switch on the motor carefully according to 

instructions and with feet well away from the blade.

•       Do not tilt the lawnmower when starting the engine or switch-

 ing on the motor, except if the lawnmower has to be tilted for 
starting.  In this case, do not tilt more than absolutely nec es sary 
and lift only the part which is away from the operator.

•           Do not start the engine when standing in front of the discharge 


•      Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.  Keep 

clear of the discharge opening at all times.

•           Never pick up or carry lawnmower while the engine is running.

•      Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire:

-    before cleaning blockages or unclogging chute;

-    before checking, cleaning or working on the lawnmower;

-    after striking a foreign object.  Inspect the lawnmower for 

damage and make repairs before re start ing and op er at ing 
the lawnmower;

-    if the lawnmower starts to vibrate abnormally (check im-

 me di ate ly).

•      Stop the engine:

-    whenever you leave the lawnmower;

-    before refuelling.

•      Reduce the throttle setting during engine shut down and, if 

the engine is provided with a shut-off valve, turn the fuel off 
at the conclusion of mowing.

•      Go slow when using a trailing seat.

IV. Maintenance and Storage

•       Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equip ment 

is in safe working condition.

•      Never store the equipment with petrol in the tank inside a 

building where fumes may reach an open fl ame or spark.

•      Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure.

•      To reduce the fi re hazard, keep the engine, silencer, battery 

compartment and petrol storage area free of grass, leaves, 
or excessive grease.

•      Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or de te ri o ra tion.

•      Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.

•           If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors.

instructions could result in serious injury or death.

I.    Training

•      Read the instructions carefully.  Be familiar with the con trols 

and the proper use of the equipment.

•       Never allow children or people unfamiliar with the ins truc tions 

to use the lawnmower.  Local regulations may restrict the age 
of the operator.

•      Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are 


•       Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for acci-

dents or hazards occurring to other people or their prop er ty.

II.   Preparation

•      While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long 

trousers.  Do not operate the equipment when barefoot or 
wearing open sandals.

•      Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be 

used and remove all objects which may be thrown by the 

•      WARNING - Petrol is highly fl ammable.

-    Store fuel in containers specifi cally de signed for this pur-


-    Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while re fu el ing.

-    Add fuel before starting the engine.  Never remove the cap 

of the fuel tank or add petrol while the engine is running or 
when the en gine is hot.

-    If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but 

move the machine away from the area of spillage and avoid 
cre at ing any source of ig ni tion until petrol va pors have dis-
 si pat ed.

-    Replace all fuel tanks and container caps se cure ly.

•      Replace faulty silencers.

•      Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blades, 

blade bolts and cutter assembly are not worn or damaged.  
Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts in sets to pre serve 

•      On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade 

can cause other blades to rotate.

III.  Operation

•           Do not operate the engine in a confi ned space where dan ger ous 

carbon monoxide fumes can collect.

•      Mow only in daylight or in good artifi cial light.

•      Avoid operating the equipment in wet grass, where feasible.

•      Always be sure of your footing on slopes.

•      Walk, never run.

•       For wheeled rotary machines, mow across the face of slopes, 

never up and down.

•      Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on 


•      Do not mow excessively steep slopes.

•           Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the lawnmower 

towards you.

Summary of Contents for R 53

Page 1: ...en Manuel d instructions Lisez très attentivement et soyez certain de comprende ces instructions avant d utiliser cette machine Manual de las instrucciones Por favor lea cuidadosamente y com prenda estas intrucciones antes de usar esta maquina Instructieboekje Lees deze instructies aandachtig en zorg dat u ze begrijpt voordat u deze machine gebruikt Manuale di istruzioni Prima di utilizzare la mac...


Page 3: ...duce the fire hazard keep the engine silencer battery compartment and petrol storage area free of grass leaves or excessive grease Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or deterioration Replace worn or damaged parts for safety If the fuel tank has to be drained this should be done outdoors instructions could result in serious injury or death I Training Read the instructions carefully Be fami...

Page 4: ...r häufig auf Abnutzung oder Verschleiß prüfen Abgenutzte oder beschädigte Teile zur Sicherheit immer sofort ersetzen Falls der Kraftstofftank entleert werden muß sollte dies im Freien getan werden I Schulung Die Anleitungen sorgfältig durchlesen Mit den Bedienungsele menten und der vorschriftsmäßigen Bedienung der Maschine vertraut machen Auf keinen Fall Kindern oder Erwachsenen die mit der Bedien...

Page 5: ...e haut en bas Soyez très prudents lorsque vous changez de direction sur les pentes Ne tondez pas excessivement les pentes escarpées Soyez extrêmement prudents lorsque vous faites marche arrière ou tirez la tondeuse à gazon vers vous Utilisez une butée d arrêt afin de maintenir la lame immobile si la tondeuse à gazon doit être inclinée pour le transport lorsqu elletraversedessurfacesautresquelegazo...

Page 6: ...rde el motor el silen ciador el comportamiento de la batería limpios de césped hojas y de demasiado grasa Verifique frecuentemente el recogedor del césped para ver si hay uso o deterioración Para la seguridad reemplace las partes que estén usadas o dañadas Si el tanque del combustible debe ser vaciado hágalo afuera I Instrucción Lea todas las instrucciones cuidadosamente Familiarícese completament...

Page 7: ...imte vrij van gras bladeren of een overmaat aan smeervet Controleer de opvangzak vaak op slijtage of verwering Vervangversletenofbeschadigdeonderdelenomveiligheidsre denen Als de brandstoftank afgetapt moet worden moet dit buiten worden gedaan I Training Lees de instructies aandachtig Zorg dat u vertrouwd bent met de bedieningselementen en het juiste gebruik van de machine Laatkinderenofmensendien...

Page 8: ...a erba foglie o quantità eccessive di grasso Controllare spesso il raccoglitore dell erba tagliata per individuare eventuali segni di usura o di danneggiamento Per maggiore sicurezza sostituire le parti usurate o danneggiate Ilserbatoiodelcarburantevavuotatoall aperto qualoranecessario I Addestramento All uso Studiare attentamente le istruzioni Acquisire dimesti chezza con i comandi e conoscere a ...

Page 9: ...ine ou dans les publications fournies avec le produit Apprenez à compren dre la signification de ces symboles Estos símbolos pueden aparecer sobre su unidad o en la literatura proporcionada con el producto Aprenda y comprenda sus significados Deze symbolen kunnen op uw machine of in de bij het produkt geleverde documentatie aanwezig zijn Lees en begrijp de betekenis Simboli utilizzati sull apparat...

Page 10: ...10 5 2 3 1 6 4 8 7 ...

Page 11: ...hutzderAbbildungentsprechendanbringenundmit mitgelieferten Befestigungsteilen sichern HINWEIS Die Montage des Fußschutzes ist für den sicheren Betrieb dieser Maschine erforderlich Installez le protecteur de pieds arrière Placez le protecteur comme montré et assurez le avec les attaches fournies REMARQUE Vous devez installer le protecteur de pieds arrière pour que l usage de la machine soit sûr Ins...

Page 12: ... Teil des Beutels nach unten Die Kunststoffkappen auf den Rahmen aufsetzen Der Grasfangbeutel wird durch den Druck der Klappe gegen den Rahmen in der korrekten Stellung festgehalten Assemblage et montage du collecteur d herbe Mettez en place le collecteur d herbe avec sa partie dure vers le bas Passez les fixations plastiques par dessus le cadre Le collecteur se met en place en appuyant le volet a...

Page 13: ...het achterluik op en verwijder met behulp van het handvat de grasvergaarbak Laat de grasvergaarbak niet over het gras slepen wanneer u hem leegt Dit kan onnodige slijtage van het weefsel van de verzamelzak veroorzaken Vuotatura del cestello di raccolta Spegnere il motore rilasciando il comando Sollevare il portello ed estrarre il cestello con l aiuto della maniglia Non trascinare il cestello sul t...

Page 14: ...hnitthöhe Reglage La tondeuse peut être réglée pour des hauteurs de coupe différentes Choisis sez la hauteur de coupe désirée au moyen du levier de chaque roue Appuyez le levier contre la roue et réglez la hauteur de coupe Toutes les roues doivent être réglées identiquement sinon la coupe sera inégale Ajuste El cortacésped puede ser ajustado a cinco alturas de corte distintas Ajústese a la altura ...

Page 15: ...rn sich langsam wieder aufrollen lassen Der Motor wird durch Loslassen des Bedienungshebels abgestellt HINWEIS Beikaltem Wetter müssen die Bedienungsschritte für die Vorpumpe mögliicherweise wiederholt werden Bei warmem Wetter kann durch zu starke Betätigung der Vorpumpe der Motor Uuberflutet werden so daß der Motor infolgedessen nicht anspringt Solte der Motor überflutet sein einige Minuten warte...

Page 16: ...gshendel tegen het stuur en trek kort en krachtig aan de starthendel Laat het startsnoer langzaam vieren Schakel de motor uit door de bedieningshendel los te laten N B Bij koeler weer kan het nodig zijn om de voorinspuitstappen te herhalen Bij warmer weer kan te veel voorinspuiten ertoe leiden dat de motor verzuipt en niet start Als u de motor verzuipt moet u enkele minuten wachten alvorens hem te...

Page 17: ... it is very long Mähen Sie das Gras bei starkem Wachstum zweimal wöchentlich Mähen Sie niemals mehr als 1 3 der Graslänge Dies gilt besonders für trockene Peri oden Mähen Sie danach das Resultat und stellen Sie dann die erwuunschte Schnitthöhe ein lst das Gras besonders hoch fahren Sie langsam mit dem Rasenmäher Mähen Sie gegebenenfalls zweimal Au cours de la période de croissance intensive coupez...

Page 18: ...ulizie o lavori di menutenzione Dopo 5 ore di funzionamento stringere viti e dadi Controllare l olio Piegando la falciatrice sul fiancolare attenzione che la candela sia il punto più alto Regularly Stop the engine and unscrew the dipstick The level should be between FULL and ADD NOTE the dipstick must be screwed all the way down in order to indicate correct oil level Avoid filling with too much oi...

Page 19: ... Grinding and balancing the cutter blade Remove the spark plug lead Fit ting and removing the blade require the use of protective gloves Unscrew the cutter blade and deliver it to a service workshop for grinding and balancing Tighten the screw properly when reassembling Jährlich nach Beendigung der Saison Schleifen und Auswuchten des Messers Achtung Vor Demontage des Messers Zündkabel von der Zünd...

Page 20: ...edig de benzinetank Bij openbaar vervoer dienen zowel olie als benzinetank geledigd te worden INFORMAZIONI GENERALI Transporto Staccare il cavo d accensione dalla candela Svuotare il serbatoio della benzina In caso di transporto su mezzi pubblici si deve svuotare sia la ben zina che l olio Cleaning of air filter Slacken the screw remove the lid and remove the filter cartridge Reinigung des Luftfil...
