Version February 2022
HÜRNER EasyWeld 110 (T) User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke,
Information on Welding Bends/Tees
As a preparation of the welding process, the components
have to be cut to the desired angle of the joint. To joint a
tee, all three components require pre-cutting at a 45 deg.
angle. Then the first jointing operation at an angle can be
performed as described above. When welding a segmented
bend, the next joint can be made right after the first joint,
provided the segment pieces were pre-cut at the correct an-
gle. If not, the next piece has still to be prepared by cutting
it at the angle needed for the joint with the preceding seg-
ment, as previously explained. Then the next segment joint
is possible. When jointing tees, after the firt operation, the
elbow jointed at right angles has to be prepared for the
next step by cutting it at a 45 deg. angle (see figure on the
right). When jointing tees or segments, the operation is per-
formed exclusively on the user’s side of the machine.
The general information on the welding process also holds
for segmented-bend and tee joints, as described below.
However where appropriate, additional information on
them has been included below.
5 Operation
When welding
components made of ECTFE
, ut-
most precision is required! The very careful cleaning
and preparation of the point of jointing before the
welding process is critical, since every (foreign) par-
ticle that may have been overlooked will be visible.
The heating element surfaces require careful check
ing as well. They must not exhibit any scratches or
damage because if so, there would be a risk for the
component butt not to detach properly from the
heating element after the bead was formed.
Preparing the Welding Process, Clamping the Components
The butt-welding machine is available in two versions: Easy-
Weld 100 for straight and segmented-bend joints and Easy-
Weld 110 T for straight, segmented-bend joints, and tees
(90 deg. branch-off).
For bend segments, the clamps must be rotated to make
the desired angle (see the angle scale imprinted below the
clamps). To change the angle of the jointing setup, loosen
the Allen screw in the top surface of the base of the clamp,
on the outside of the clamp itself, on both sides, then re-
tighten it.
As a preparation to the welding process and prior to it, the
applicable welding forces F and welding times t have to be