Joining a Shade to a Group
The shade will not operate using the remote until it has been joined to a group.
1. Press and hold
STOP for 4 seconds to put remote in program mode. The lights on the
remote will flash to indicate it is in program mode.
2. Press the desired group number (1 – 6) on the remote. The backlight for the group number
will flash to show it is selected.
3. Press and hold the manual control button on the shade.
4. While continuing to press the manual button, press
OPEN on the remote. The shade will
move slightly to indicate it has joined the group. Release the manual control button.
5. Press and hold
STOP for 4 seconds to exit program mode. The lights will stop flashing.
Basic Operation
1. To wake up the remote, simply pick it up or press
STOP. The last group(s) selected will be
highlighted and active.
2. Press “all” or groups 1 – 6 to select specific shade(s) to move. Selected group button(s) will
light to show they are selected.
a. Multiple group buttons may be selected at a time.
b. To deselect a group, press the group button again. The backlight for that group button will
go out.
3. Press
CLOSE to lower the selected shade(s).
4. Press
OPEN to raise the selected shade(s).
5. Press
STOP to stop shade movement anywhere along its travel.
6. While a shade is in motion, press the opposite of shade motion (
reverse direction.
7. Press
FAVORITE to send selected shade(s) to your preset “favorite” position. Refer to the
Motorization Remote Control Guide
on how to set a favorite position.
Top-Down/Bottom-Up Operation
1. Press
CLOSE to lower the bottom rail, closing the shade.
2. Press the left arrow to lower the middle rail, opening the shade top-down. (If the bottom rail
is not fully lowered, pressing this button will lower the bottom rail first then lower the middle rail.)
3. Press the right arrow to raise the middle rail, closing the shade.
4. Press
OPEN to raise the bottom rail, opening the shade bottom-up. (If the middle rail is not
fully raised, pressing this button will raise the middle rail first then riase the middle rail.)
5. Press
STOP to stop shade movement anywhere along the shade’s travel.