Fixed Control Head Installation
Determine Where to Mount
Begin the installation by determining where to mount the control head.
Consider the following to determine the best location:
• To check the location planned for the control
head, test run the cables for the power and
transducer. See the installation section for
your transducer type in order to plan the
location of the transducer.
• The mounting surface should be stable
enough to protect the control head from
excessive wave shock and vibration, and
should provide visibility while in operation.
• Your PiranhaMAX uses a tilt mounting base.
The mounting area should allow sufficient
room for the unit to pivot freely, and for easy
removal and installation (Figures 1 and 2).
Connect the Power Cable to the Boat
A 6' long power cable is included to supply power to the control head. You
may shorten or lengthen the cable using 18 gauge multi-stranded copper wire.
Some boats have 24 or 36 Volt electric systems, but the control head
MUST be connected to a 12 VDC power supply.
The control head power cable can be connected to the electrical system of the
boat at two places: a fuse panel usually located near the console, or directly
to the battery.
Make sure that the power cable is not connected to the control head at
the beginning of this procedure.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Fixed Control Head Installation
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