1. Ensure the Cell port on the Triaxial Cell is turned to OPEN.
2. Using the pressure controls on the touch screen on the HM-5820,
apply a cell pressure of 3-5 psi to the Triaxial Cell.
3. Disconnect the tube connected to the right TOP port on the Triax-
ial Cell.
4. Select the Base FILL tab on the HM-5820 touch screen.
5. Open the right Top port on the Triaxial Cell.
6. Open the right Base port on the Triaxial cell
7. Water should start moving from the De-air tank, through the
HM-5820, and through the internal lines on the Triaxial Cell.
For this operation to work properly the De-airing tank must be
positioned at least 2-3 feet above the HM-5820 and the Triaxial
Cell. Monitor the base pressure on the HM-5820 and ensure that
the Base pressure does not exceed the Cell pressure during this
8. When all the air has been bled from the internal lines close the
right TOP port on the Triaxial cell.
9. Close the right BASE port on the Triaxial Cell.
10. Press the Base FILL button on the HM-5820 to shut off the water
11. Reconnect the water tubing to the right Top port on the Triaxial