Initial inspection should include checking for physical
damage during shipping and obvious external damage
to the product.
Package contents are defi ned by your packing list. Each
Load Frame is confi gured according to customer specifi ca-
tions. In your inspection, make certain that the contents of
your shipment match the documentation provided by your
packing list.
Place unit on a fl at, smooth surface and use leveling feet
(supplied) and a bubble level to ensure that the unit is level
side-to-side and back-to-front.
Installation and Equipment Setup
Electrical Connections
The HM-5820 is equipped with an internal digital switching
power supply, which allows it to be used with most power
confi gurations throughout the world. The unit is supplied
with an IEC electrical cord with a standard 110V plug.
The HM-5820 arrives ready for operation. Attach the sup-
plied IEC electrical cord to the machine and plug into a
standard wall receptacle for use in the United States. For
locations other than the U.S., replace the supplied electrical
cord with an IEC cord that has the correct plug for your ap-
plication. The supplied cord can also be used by cutting the
standard plug from the cord and attaching the correct plug.
Power Switch
The Power Switch is located on the left side of the back of
the machine, above the electrical cord inlet. The Fuse Com-
partment is located between the electrical cord inlet and the
Power Switch. The HM-5820 uses a 10-amp fuse. To begin
operation, attach the supplied electrical cord, plug it in and
press the Power Switch.
Fig. 1 Power Switch
Fuse Compartment