Clear your cache of your Web browser.
Connect the modem to your laptop.
Connect the power supply.
Power up the modem and observe the LEDs to verify normal operation.
Commissioning the modem and pointing the antenna
Upload the sbc.cfg file (if you are instructed to upload it).
Enter the parameters.
Point the antenna.
Register the satellite modem.
Completing the installation
Run OVT (Onsite Validation Tool).
Connect the modem to the customer's computer for activation.
Confirm that the customer can connect to the Web.
Installation checklist
To help ensure a successful installation, pay careful attention to the items listed
below as you install the satellite modem, antenna, and the IFL cable.
IFL cables
For specific cable information see Table 2: Related installation documents.
Use only Hughes-approved cables.
Do not exceed maximum length for the outdoor unit (ODU) type, cable type,
and cable part number.
Do not exceed the cable bend radius.
Properly terminate cables.
Connectors and connections
Use only connector types approved for cable type used. Check all connections for
Make sure F connectors connected to the radio assembly are tightened to 20
inch-lb torque.
Carefully follow waterproofing procedures, using dielectric grease and
Hughes-approved weatherproof tape.
Power source
Before connecting the modem power supply to the AC power source, use an AC
outlet tester to verify that the outlet is wired correctly. Wiring problems may
Hot and neutral wires reversed
Neutral and ground wires reversed
Open ground (incomplete connection)
Chapter 2 • Preparing for installation
1039649-0001 Revision C