How to Obtain Help
If a tough or critical problem persists in routine maintenance or troubleshooting, contact
Huawei for technical support.
A.1 Preparations for Contacting Huawei
To better solve the problem, you need to collect troubleshooting information and make
debugging preparations before contacting Huawei.
A.1.1 Collecting Troubleshooting Information
You need to collect troubleshooting information before troubleshooting.
You need to collect the following information:
Name and address of the customer
Contact person and telephone number
Time when the fault occurred
Description of the fault phenomena
Device type and software version
Measures taken after the fault occurs and the related results
Troubleshooting level and required solution deadline
A.1.2 Making Debugging Preparations
When you contact Huawei for help, the technical support engineer of Huawei might assist you
to do certain operations to collect information about the fault or rectify the fault directly.
Before contacting Huawei for help, you need to prepare the boards, port modules,
screwdrivers, screws, cables for serial ports, network cables, and other required materials.
A.2 How to Use the Document
Huawei provides guide documents shipped with the device. The guide documents can be used
to handle the common problems occurring in daily maintenance or troubleshooting.
OceanStor 2600 V3
Product Description
A How to Obtain Help
Issue 09 (2019-05-15)
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