Log in to the camera web system and adjust the camera angle based on the video.
Adjust the camera's shooting angle and zoom level (applicable to zoom ITS cameras), as
shown in the figure below, to ensure that the following requirements are met:
• The camera view captures all lanes.
• The dwell time of a vehicle in the image is at least 1s, and the license plate is horizontal
in the image.
• The horizontal resolution of the license plate of a vehicle parked at the capture position
is at least 120 pixels.
• For urban roads with regulated vehicle speed less than 80 km/h, the capture position
(namely the detection line) is 25 m away from the pole.
Place a cone 25 m away
from the pole.
Urban road (vehicle speed
≤ 80 km/h)
About 25 m away
from the pole
Search for and Log In
to a Camera
Adjust the
Camera Focus
Checkpoint Services
Adjust Camera Angles
Set Illuminator
Commission the
Radar Detector
Adjust the Camera's Shooting Angle
– Urban Roads