HUATEC Group Corporation www.huatecgroup.com
P a g e 5 o f 3 7
Load the proper trial mass (M) on the rotor and then measure vibration vector
(A01) under the condition of the same rotate speed.
Calculate the balance mass (Q) which should be load on the rotor according to the
following formula:
Q = - M
A0 / (A01
During the balancing, all the vibration should be measured under the same rotate
speed because of the imbalance force of rotor relates with the rotate speed.
Principle of 2-planes balancing
Almost all the balance of single span rotor can be achieved through the method of
2-planes dynamic balance. As a matter of fact, 1-plane dynamic balance is only one
special example of 2-planes dynamic balance.
When doing 2-planes dynamic balance, two planes of adding mass and two points
of vibration measure are needed. HG904’s 2
-planes dynamic balance also adopts the
method of influence coefficient. But the difference from 1-plane dynamic balance is
that the vibration of two measurement points should be measured when adding
mass to one of the planes. That’s so
-called interact effect. 2-planes dynamic
balance has four influence coefficients.
The steps to do 2-planes dynamic balance is as followings:
Measure initial value of two measurement points.
Load trial mass to first plane, then measure the vibration of two measurement
points respectively.
Load trial mass to second plane, and then measure the vibration of two
measurement points respectively.
Get conclusion of the correction mass.
If the influence coefficient is known, it can be input directly and the above step (2)
can be omitted.