Material damage from missing removable cap
The test tab is not self-grounding. If the bushing is operated with an open test tab, then
the insulated bushing in the test tab will be destroyed followed by inner fault of the entire
► Always screw the removable cap in place after a measurement.
► Make sure that the removable cap is always screwed in place before operating.
► With continuous connection of a device for voltage division:
Select a device for voltage division with a suitable connecting plug (2 1/4”-12 UNF).
Screw the connecting plug into the insulated bushing.
Fill the inner space with insulating oil via the oil filling hole (3) (oil level = approx. 2 ... 3
less than the total volume).
Check the temperature using a thermal image
► If the installations are regularly checked using a thermal image, then observe the following
when carrying this out:
■ The temperature at the outer contact point (the lead clamp) normally increases by up to
40 K with regard to the ambient temperature.
► With an increase of temperature greater than 40 K or with over temperatures under low
load, check the contacts.
Hotspots over the outdoor insulator length can cause a nonuniform temperature distribution.
► Make a more detailed investigation of possible hotspots (possibly contact HSP ).
Range STARIS®-Sia+