Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung für Handschweißextruder Serie HSK10 DE
HSK Kunststoff Schweißtechnik GmbH
Please do not remove the welding shoe by pushing it off between heater band and welding nozzle with
a sharp object.
In addition to damaging the manual welding extruder or the welding nozzle, there is the
danger of electric shock.
After removal of the welding nozzle, the die and the aluminium base plate can be cleaned from
adherent material deposits.
To this purpose employ a soft wire brush, for example out of brass.
After remounting and alignment of the welding nozzle please retighten the attachment screw (1) again,
but only smoothly - just to keep the welding nozzle stable. If screw is retightened too much, the die
may be damaged. Once the system has cooled down, it is well possible that the welding nozzle sticks
quite loose in its position. Discovering this, please do not tighten the attachment screw (1) because of
the said reasons. The attachment screw (1) must only be retightened once the machine has been
heated up again for further use.
9. Defects and their possible reason
Possible reasons
Machine doesn’t discharge uniformly (is pumping)
mainly occurs with PP
a): machine is overheated
b): screw must be cleaned
Melt is interspersed with bubbles
a): melt temperature is too high
b): welding wire is too old or too humid
Machine does not reach sufficient speed
a): melt temperature is too low
b): heater band defective
Machine does not run smoothly
a): wear of carbon brushes
b): fluctuations on the power supply
No means to regulate melt temperature
regulator or thermocouple defective
Set-point air temperature for preheating is not
a): cartridge heater defective
b): electronics defective
c): insufficient air quantity