HRW HPE-BNSMA V401 Manual 111201.doc E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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To view the channel details of the device with network address 2 enter Get Channel Information,
Channel information allows identification of channel numbers, point types and data format including the
data units and range.
2 1 0104 Ana Para 1 DWrd 0200 SMA-SN
lo 0.000000 hi 4294899968.000000
2 2 0104 Ana Para 1 Flt4 0110 Upv-Start
lo 250.000000 hi 600.000000
2 3 0104 Ana Para 1 Flt4 0110 T-Start
lo 5.000000 hi 1600.000000
2 4 0104 Ana Para 1 Flt4 0110 T-Stop
s lo 1.000000 hi 3600.000000
2 5 0104 Ana Para 1 Flt4 2210 dU U-Konst
V/s lo 5.000000 hi 100.000000
In the GCI read data excerpt above you can see device 2, channels 1…5. All are Analogue Parameters,
the first being a Double Word (4 data bytes / long integer) and the remainder being Flt4 (4 byte IEEE
Floating Point).
Via the HyperTerminal menus Transfer / Capture text option you can save this GCI data for later
analysis; create a capture file, press Enter GCI
, then stop the capture. Open the resultant text file with
Word to view a formatted record of the communication for analysis.
Point Programming
After eXit from SMA Terminal you can begin to enter gateway data points.
Each point from 4…253 may be configured to read a data point value from any SMA device present on
the SMA network. On the BACnet side each point 4…253 represents a BACnet object, AV4…AV253.
Point Structure
Gateway point configuration is in the following structure:
<Point #>
<SMA Device Addr>
<SMA Channel #>
<Scaling >
The ‘PointType’ is a code number the gateway uses to represent the different SMA data types:
Channel Description, Format
Point Type
GCI (Get Channel Information)
Analogue Parameter, 2-Word (4-Byte)
0104, DWrd
Analogue Parameter, IEEE Floating Point
0104, Flt4
Analogue Input Instant, 1-Word (2-Byte)
0109, Wrd
Counter Input Instant, 2-Word (4-Byte)
0409, DWrd
Status* Parameter, 1-Byte
0804, Byt
Status* Input Instant, 1-Byte
0809, Byt
Status* Input Instant Test, 1- Byte
0829, Byt
If point 4 is used to retrieve a device serial number of device 2 then point entry as follows:
Point scaling has been left as 0 as scaling is not required in this case.
* The SMA ‘Status’ information is retrieved as the first four ASCII characters of the status message.
Activate the DIAG display to see these characters. On the BACnet side this data will be provided in
numerical form and must be translated accordingly by the BACnet system.