HRW HPE-BNSMA V401 Manual 111201.doc E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Diagnostic Display
Enter D for Diagnostic display. The Diagnostic display serves three purposes:
1) Display IEEE floating point values (temperatures) in decimal coding
2) Display final user-scaled results with associated decimal placement
3) Provide a real time feedback of the network activity for identifying incorrect data point
When you press Enter to force a network scan you will see the gateway communication requests and
device response, including the gateway’s recognition of required data point values.
Via the HyperTerminal menus Transfer / Capture text option you can save this communication data for
later analysis; create a capture file, press Enter to force a scan, then stop the capture. Open the
resultant text file with Word to view a formatted record of the communication for analysis.
SMA Point Error Response
When the SMA device point is not responding then the gateway read value will remain at last valid
If you require the gateway value to indicate 0 when a point is not responding enter
(Write the new
configuration) so that the inactive point will register 0 after four bad reads.
will revert to factory default (hold last valid read value).