Generally, the Image Streamer appliances will continue to provide uninterrupted access to OS volumes when storage
update fails. However, you must not attempt further update operations that might disrupt the servers without fixing the
issue. To troubleshoot why the update failed, contact your authorized support representative.
Active appliance update fails but storage update succeeds
When the active appliance update fails but the storage update succeeds:
The active appliance is reverted to the version before update but the updated storage version is retained.
No action is required unless the updated storage version in incompatible with the existing appliance version. If a
compatibility issue arises, contact your authorized support representative.
Active appliance and storage update succeeds but standby appliance update fails
When the active appliance update and storage update succeeds but the standby appliance update fails:
• The active-standby cluster cannot be formed since the standby appliance version is incompatible with the active
appliance version.
• High-availability is affected because standby appliance is unusable.
To troubleshoot why the update failed, contact your authorized support representative.
Backup, restore and recovery
Image Streamer backup is considered as a backup of two aspects:
Backup of artifacts
Artifacts are stored on the primary appliance and its standby pair, and replicated periodically to secondary
appliances. If the deployment server is edited to change the primary appliance, the latest artifacts will be immediately
replicated from the secondary appliance to the new primary appliance. After changing the primary is complete,
artifacts present on the new primary appliance become the current artifacts. If there are artifacts that are not
available on the new primary appliance, they can be restored from previously backed-up artifacts.
You can back up all the artifacts in Image Streamer by using the Image Streamer user interface. The backup bundle
contains all the artifacts that are available on the Image Streamer appliance at the time of backup. See
Image Streamer Help for instructions on creating a backup bundle for artifacts.
Backup of configuration data
Configuration data consists of information about the active and standby appliances of the Image Streamer appliance
pair, IP addresses, and details of primary and secondary appliances. The configuration information is available in HPE
OneView and is backed up as part of HPE OneView backup. For more information on creating an HPE OneView
backup, see
HPE OneView Help for HPE Synergy.
It is important to back up the artifacts and configuration information whenever you make significant changes to them.
Creating an HPE OneView backup and an Image Streamer backup ensures that both the configuration and artifact
information are preserved.
Restore and recovery
There are different situations when you must consider restoring or recovering the Image Streamer appliance:
Appliance management