1. Select the time zone location from the map.
2. In the Primary NTP Server / Secondary NTP Server field, specify the NTP server for
the device.
Note: Secondary NTP server is optional field. If the Primary NTP server is
not working correctly, then the Secondary NTP Server will be used.
3. Enable Automatic Date & Time option.
4. Click the
button to save the settings.
Automatic PTP Date & Time
: To enable/disable the use of PTP servers to automatically set
the date and date and time.
PTP Interface
: To configure a PTP server interface to use when automatically
setting the date and time.
PTP Preset
: To configure a PTP Preset type to use when automatically setting the
date and time.
PTP Transport
: To configure a PTP Transport type to use when automatically
setting the date and time.
PTP Ipmode
: To configure a PTP Ipmode type to use when automatically setting the
date and time.
PTP Unicast IP
: To configure a Unicast ip when ipmode is unicast and server to use
when automatically setting the date and time.
PTP Delay Mechanism
: To configure a PTP Delay Mechanism type to use when
automatically setting the date and time.
PTP Inbound Latency
: To configure a Inbound latency of the server to use when
automatically setting the date and time.
PTP Outbound Latency
: To configure a PTP outbound latency server to use when
automatically setting the date and time.
PTP Priority1
: To configure a priority of PTP clock to use when automatically
setting the date and time.
PTP Max Master capacity
: To configure a max master capacity of the PTP clock to
use when automatically setting the date and time.
Panic Mode
: To configure a PTP clock to not reset if jump is more then 1 second,
use when automatically setting the date and time.
PTP Log request delay
: To configure a PTP log request delay,use when
automatically setting the date and time.
: To save the settings.
1. Select the Timezone location either using drop down or Map.
2. Enable Automatic PTP Date & Time to enable/disable the use of PTP servers to
automatically set the date and time.
a. Enter the Interface, Preset, Transport, Ipmode, Unicast IP, Delay Mechanis
m, Inbound Latency, Outbound Latency, Priority1, Max Master capacity and
Log request delay details in their corresponding fields.
b. Enable/Disable Panic Mode to not reset if jump is more than 1 second, use when
automatically setting the date and time.