host bus adapter for Windows and Linux installation guide
Diagnostic and Configuration Utilities
Choose Permanent to cause the new value to be written to the system
registry. If Permanent is not selected, the parameter reverts to its default value
when the driver is reset.
Choose Global to change the global registry entry. Otherwise, the change is
made to the HBA-specific registry entry.
lists the current parameters that you can set.
Table 5–3: Driver Parameters
AbortStatus = 0xn
Values from 0x00 – 0xFF. Controls NT SRB error status for
general Abort conditions.
Default = SRB_STATUS_BUS_RESET (0x0E) which will not
cause the current NT class driver to throttle down I/O
performance after four of these errors have been received
(on a per-LUN basis)
Values are in milliseconds from 1 to 15. Default = 15.
Values are milliseconds form 500 to 10000. Default = 1000.
Represents FC_AL arbitration time-out prior to LIP.
Class = n
Values from 0-2. Default = 2. Controls which Fibre Channel
Class will be used: 0 = Class 1, 1 = Class 2, 2 = Class 3.
Values are in milliseconds form 500 to 10000. Default =
1000. Represents error detect time-out value prior to LIP.
EnableDPC = n
Values 0 or 1. Default = 0. 0 = process I/O completion at
interrupt level, 1 = process at DPC level.
FrameSizeMSB = n
Values from 1-8. Default = 8. Controls the upper byte of the
receive FrameSize if issued in PLOGI. This lets the
FrameSize to be constrained on 256 byte increments from
256 (1) – 2048 (8).
HardALPA = 0xn
Values from 0x01 – 0xEF. Default = 0x01 lets the HBA use a
hard assigned loop address. NOTE: Only valid ALPAs can
be used (see Table 6-2).
LinkTimeOut = n
Values are in seconds from 1 – 500. Default = 60. Controls
the time-out at which link no longer busy requests but
issues SELECTION_TIMEOUT error status.
LogErrors = n
Values 0 or 1. Default = 0. 0 = don’t log general HBA/drive
errors. 1 = use Event Log to general errors.