Chapter 1
What is Remote Administration?
Monitor and evaluate NetServer performance
Perform NOS-level configuration including modification of network settings
Recommended Modems
An updated list of recommended modems may be found on the HP NetServer Tested Products List. To
review the Tested Products List, go to either:
HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM: To access the modem list from the HP NetServer Navigator
1. Insert the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM into a client with a CD-ROM drive.
2. Run Windows Explorer and double-click on the TPL.HLP file located in the TPL directory.
HP web site: For the most up-to-date modem list, go to HP’s web site. Open your browser and enter
the following URL:
Refer to the "HP NetServer Tested Products Lists."
HP recommends matching the modem manufacturer/model at the HP NetServer and
console for optimum communications.
The HP NetServer includes the following documentation:
This guide, which describes how to install and use the Remote Console feature to manage your HP
pcANYWHERE online documentation. The complete pcANYWHERE User Guide is in Adobe
Acrobat PDF format on the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM in the \UTIL\PCA32\language
subdirectory (where language represents a two letter abbreviation for your local language).
Where to Go Next
To set up HP Remote Console, proceed to Chapter 2. To set up Graphic Console Redirection, proceed to
Chapter 3. To set up NetWare RCONSOLE, proceed to Chapter 4.