Overview 9
The Currently installed licenses window displays the following information:
Product Name—
the name of the licensed networking product.
The license type.
Single license pack—
Authorizes one seat. Depending upon the type of product a seat may be a
single server (INP) or a single port (iSCSI Pack).
Flexible quantity license pack
—Authorizes a set number of seats ordered.
Activation Key Agreements (AKA) license pack
—For use with signed and implemented (AKAs).
Allows you to activate additional seats under the terms of an existing AKA.
(For evaluation purposes only)—This trial license is provided for a set number of seats and
a set number of days.
Seats Max
—The total number of seats authorized for use by this key.
Seats Used
—The number of seats that are currently used.
Days Max
(Demo key only)—The total number of days authorized for use by this key.
Days Left
(Demo key only)—The number of days remaining for the license.
License Key
—The 25-digit license key string.
The Licensable devices window displays all devices that can be enabled. To enable or disable ports go to
the NCU.
Licensed and Unlicensed Devices—
Enabled ports are displayed with a solid adapter icon and
disabled ports are displayed with a faded adapter icon.
Non-port based licenses
—When a non-port based license is selected in the Currently installed
licenses list, the Licensable devices list is disabled.
License seat unavailable
—If all seats for a given license have been used, a licensed port of the same
type must be disabled to make a license seat available to a different port or an additional license of
the same product type with additional seats must be installed.
The following controls are available:
Install License(s)
—Opens the Install ProLiant Essentials License Key(s) dialog box.
Export Licenses—
Allows you to export currently installed licenses into a formatted license key file so
that you can easily move multiple licenses from one system to another.
Removes the License Manager dialog box from the screen.
Launches the License Manager Help file.
To install a license:
You can install single or multiple license keys in the ProLiant Essentials Network License Manager window.
To install a single license key: