Networking requirements
Has the IT department configured the firewall to allow the Command Center server
software access to the required connections to HP Cloud and ports?
Can the IT department assign a static IP address or hostname to the printer and
processing station?
Do you have non-HP software that is compatible with the printer already installed
in a computer; or, alternatively, do you have a computer in which we can install the
HP SmartStream Build Manager?
Will a network specialist be available during the printer installation?
Equipment preparation
Is the air compressor or pressurized air line ready for the day installation? (May be
required on the first or second day.)
Is a bead-blasting machine available with the specifications explained above? This
is required to clean the parts and evaluate part quality during the installation.
Have the correct supplies been ordered for delivery on or before the date of the
system's installation?
Environmental requirements
Have the temperature and humidity requirements been satisfactorily met in the
print production area, and is there adequate air conditioning?
Have the temperature and humidity requirements been satisfactorily met in the
storage area?
Is your room equipped with a remote or fixed temperature and humidity
monitoring tool? Sensor loggers may help to control environmental conditions.
Is the print production area free from dirt and dust?
Does the print production area have sufficient lighting?
Have you met or exceeded all the requirements specified in the site preparation
Date of site preparation completion
Site preparation guide edition number or copyright date
Company owner or EHS manager signature
Chapter 5 Site preparation checklist