Welcome to the Forward Progress Log (FPL) Viewer
The following FPL navigation commands are available:
D: Dump log starting at current block for capture and analysis
F: Display first (oldest) block
L: Display last (newest) block
J: Jump to specified entry and display previous block
+: Display next (forward in time) block
-: Display previous (backward in time) block
<cr>: Repeat pr/- command
<sp>: Repeat pr/- command
/: Search forward for input string
\: Search backwards for input string
I: Changes between case sensitive and insensitive search
N: Perform previous search using last input string
?/H: Display help
C: Toggle display of column header
<Ctrl-b>: Exit viewer
The following event format options are available:
K: Keyword
E: Extended Keyword
R: Raw hex
T: Text
S: Cause/Action
The following alert threshold options are available:
Alert thresholds will cause events at the selected threshold
and below to be shown
0: Minor Forward Progress
1: Major Forward Progress
2: Informational
3: Warning
5: Critical
7: Fatal
The following event filter options are available:
B: Blade
P: Partition
V: Virtual Partition
U: Unfiltered
Current alert threshold: Alert threshold 0
Current filter option: Unfiltered
Current format option: Extended Keyword
MP:VWR (<cr>,<sp>,+,-,?,H,C,F,I,L,J,D,K,E,R,T,B,P,V,U,/,\,N,
0,1,2,3,5,7,<Ctrl-b>) >
Location: Enclosure, Device Bay, Socket, Core, Thread AL: Alert Level
Event# Rep Location nPar: AL Encoded Field Data Field
Ent vPar
5512567 SFW 1,1,0,0,0 1 0 160024d301e10000 0000010300000000
5512566 SFW 1,1,0,0,0 1 0 16002af201e10000 000000000005211b
5512565 SFW 1,1,0,0,0 1 0 0100232501e10000 0000000078376000
5512564 SFW 1,1,0,0,0 1 0 16002ad601e10000 0000000010000000
5512563 SFW 1,1,0,0,0 1 0 160024d301e10000 0000010200000000