User’s Manual
FRAM71B 1.00
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©Hans Brueggemann, 2016
12 FRAM71B-512K-EXT
A standard FRAM71B-512 is equipped with a single 512 Kbyte FRAM, referred to as "BOT
FRAM". The FRAM71B-512K-EXT memory extension adds another 512 KB to your FRAM71B
for a total of 1024 KB of FRAM. It is referred to as "TOP-FRAM" and comes pre-installed on
all FRAM71B-1024 modules. See chapter 9 "Memory Configuration" on how to configure
TOP F_Blocks.
Picture 9: FRAM71B-1024 with FRAM71B-512K-EXT installed. Note red jumper on extension
board set to "WRITE ENABLE" position. Remove the jumper to "WRITE PROTECT"
Three jumpers affect the operation of the TOP FRAM:
12.1 Jumper CN2-1 "SLCT_TOP"
Jumper CN2-1 is located on the FRAM71B main board and controls usage of SYSRAM and
CONFIG area.
If set:
SYSRAM and F_Block 2 of TOP FRAM is selected.
If not set: SYSRAM and F_Block 2 of BOT FRAM is selected (Default setting).
Use this jumper to switch between two different configurations of your HP-71B, including
different operating systems. In order for the FRAM-selection to take effect, the HP-71B has
to be power-cycled. Regardless of CN2-1 setting, all TOP and BOT F_BLOCKs are fully accessi-
ble by both TOP and BOT configurations.
12.2 Jumpers "WRITE ENABLE" and CN2-4 "ENA_SYSRAM_WRITE"
The "WRITE ENABLE” jumper is located on the memory extension board and controls write-
access to TOP FRAM.
If set:
TOP FRAM can be write-accessed (Default setting).
If not set: TOP FRAM is write-protected. This overrides ENA_SYSRAM_WRITE CN2-4.
Use this jumper to hardware-protect the entire TOP FRAM against over-writing. A typical use
case is to first write-enable and "fill" TOP FRAM with desired ROM images and then write-
protect it. Thus, TOP FRAM becomes a "vault” for ROM images, fully protected against acci-
dential misconfigurations in the C_0x2C000 area.