User’s Manual
FRAM71B 1.00
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©Hans Brueggemann, 2016
8.4 CN2-2: DIS_OUT_wh_CONFIG
"Disable output while FRAM71B is in CONFIG phase"
Default: not set (jumper removed)
If set, FRAM71B will not report the "3BDDDDDE" IRAM identifiers while being in CONFIG
mode during power-[ON]. Make sure that this jumper is not set unless you want to clear the
contents of all Independent RAM (IRAM). As a result, all IRAM portions previously defined by
[FREE PORT] (5.xx) get reported as normal RAM during CONFIG and are no longer protected
against MEMORY LOST. Note that the HP-71B itself does not necessarily clear those memory
portions automatically when the IRAM identifiers are missing. Therefore, it’s a good idea to
manually force the HP-71B into a MEMORY LOST by [ON]/[/],[3] to make sure that these
memory portions get cleared.
8.5 CN2-1: SLCT_TOP (1 Mbyte-Option, FRAM71B-1024 only)
"Select TOP FRAM"
Default: not set (jumper removed)
FRAM71B-1024 modules are equipped with another 512 KB of FRAM, which is referred to as
"TOP FRAM". On an FRAM71B-1024, this jumper selects F_0x00000 - F_0x2FFFF of TOP
FRAM, if set. If removed, F_0x00000 - F_0x2FFFF of BOT FRAM is selected.
See chapter 12, "FRAM71B-512K-EXT Memory Extension", for further details.
"Enable SYSRAM”
Default: not set (jumper removed)
DO NOT SET before disabling the output of the calculator’s SYSROM first.
Refer to "Using The SYSRAM Feature”.
If set, FRAM71B will enable the ouput of its SYSRAM area (F_0x00000 – F_0x1FFFF). Use this
feature to switch between different operating systems. SYSRAM is not affected by CN2-3.