source = 11.5;
value = 0;
printf ("\nCurrent Compliance Tests on Channel %u", chan);
source = 0.5;
printf("\n Set source to %.1f Volts DC", source);
printf("\n Measure channel output (in mA)");
printf("\n Enter channel output (in mA): ");
scanf ("%f", &value);
result = abs(100 * value / 24.0);
printf("\n DC Source value = %.1f VDC", source);
printf("\n Channel %u output = %.1f mA", chan, value);
printf("\n Output = %.2f %% of max value", result);
while (result > 90.0);
if (source >= 13.0)
pass = "PASSED";
pass = "FAILED";
printf("\n\nDC Source value for 90\% of max = %.1f VDC", source);
printf("\nTest %s for channel %u\n", pass, chan);
iclose (id);
/* Close instrument session */
64 Verification Tests - C Programs
Appendix B