The functional verification tests for the HP E1328A DAC can be performed
at any time to verify the DAC is functional and is communicating with the
mainframe, external computer and/or external terminal. The functional tests
for the HP E1328A DAC are:
DAC Self-Test
Voltage Compliance Tests (Optional)
Current Compliance Tests (Optional)
DAC Self-Test
This test verifies the DAC is communicating with the mainframe, external
controller, and/or external terminal by performing a self-test (*TST?
command). See "Operator’s Checks" in Chapter 3 for a description of the
DAC self-test.
Compliance Tests
These OPTIONAL tests measure the voltage compliance on each channel of
the DAC.
Positive Voltage Compliance Tests
For positive voltage compliance tests, each channel to be tested is set for
UNCALIBRATED MAX voltage output (+ 12V). A DC source is
connected to V+ and S+ of the channel to be tested. The source is set to
+5V and increased in +0.5V steps until the channel output (as measured
with an HP 3458A multimeter) stops increasing. If the channel maximum
output is
+ 15V, the test passes.
Negative Voltage Compliance Tests
For negative voltage compliance tests, each channel to be tested is set for
UNCALIBRATED MIN voltage output (-12V). A DC source is connected
to V- and S- of the channel to be tested. The source is set to -5V and
increased in -0.5V steps until the channel output (as measured with an HP
3458A multimeter) stops increasing. If the channel minimum output is
-15V, the test passes.
Equipment Setup
Connect the DC source (Datron 4708 with Option 10) and HP 3458A
multimeter to Channel 1 as shown in Figure 4-1. (Be sure to set all three
jumpers on the channel to the V position.) Set the DC source output to +5.0
V dc. Set the HP 3458A to DCV function and set NPLC 100.
Chapter 4
Verification Tests 21