Chapter 5
Installation and Configuration
To create a logical drive that spans two or more arrays:
The arrays to be spanned must have sequential array numbers
and each array must contain the same number of physical
HP NetRAID Assistant will attempt to span up to eight arrays.
Array spanning will stop when:
It has created a logical drive of the size you specify in
Step 2 below.
The next sequentially numbered array has a different
number of drives. (Spanned arrays must contain the same
number of drives in each array.)
1. Click the Span Arrays box to mark it with an "X." An array labeled with
a hyphenated number, such as A0-1 or A0-3, appears in the Logical
Devices box.
2. If you know the exact size of the logical drive you want, enter it in the
Size (MB) box.
If you do not specify the size of the logical drive, the default size reflects
the maximum number of arrays that can be spanned.
3. Define the logical drive as described above.
To remove the last logical drive that was added:
1. Click the Undo button.
2. You can continue undoing logical drives by clicking Undo.
When you are done defining logical drives:
When all the logical drives are defined for the adapter and you have clicked the
Accept button for the last one, click the Next button.
The Next button does not operate until one of the following conditions has been
All capacity has been assigned to logical drives.
Eight logical drives have been defined.