HP Array Configuration Utility 62
specifies to generate or not generate the Smart SSD Wear Gauge report. The
default is
outputs diagnostic information in formatted XML. The
value is provided for
backward compatibility and is ignored.
compresses the output to a zipped file. Default behavior is uncompressed. The
value is provided for backward compatibility and is ignored.
Example commands:
ctrl all diag file=c:\allcontrollers.zip
ctrl slot=4 diag file=c:\ctrl_slot4.zip
ctrl ch="mybox" diag file=mybox.zip ssdrpt=on
Erasing a physical or logical drive
<target> modify [erase
where the target can be any valid physical drive or logical drive. The option to delete the target after erasing
it is no longer supported. Although
can still be entered, it is valid only if
the target is a logical drive, and the logical drive will always be erased.
To stop an erase process at any time, enter the
Example commands:
=> ctrl slot=3 ld 2 modify erase erasepattern=zero
=> ctrl slot=4 ld all modify erase erasepattern=random_zero
=> ctrl slot=3 ld 2 modify stoperase
Rescanning the system
A rescan detects devices that have been added to the system since the previous rescan or since the ACU CLI
was started, whichever is more recent.
Use the word
directly at the ACU CLI prompt, without any target device or parameters.
Example command:
=> rescan
Entering or deleting a license key
Some advanced configuration tasks (available only on certain controller models) can be performed only after
software is installed on the controller and a license key is registered to activate the software.
<target> add [lk=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx]
where the target is any valid controller. The hyphens are optional.
To delete a license key, use a standard
command but use the license key (not the controller) as the
<target> delete
Example commands:
=> ctrl slot=5 lk=12345-65432-78787-43434-24680 delete