[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn2
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn2] route-distinguisher 200:2
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn2] vpn-target 222:2
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn2] quit
[PE2] interface vlan-interface 11
[PE2-Vlan-interface11] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-Vlan-interface11] ipv6 address 2001:3::2 96
[PE2-Vlan-interface11] quit
[PE2] interface vlan-interface 13
[PE2-Vlan-interface13] ip binding vpn-instance vpn2
[PE2-Vlan-interface13] ipv6 address 2001:4::2 96
[PE2-Vlan-interface13] quit
# Configure IP addresses for the CEs according to
. (Details not shown.)
# Execute the
display ip vpn-instance
command on the PEs to display information about the VPN
instances, for example, on PE 1.
[PE1] display ip vpn-instance
Total VPN-Instances configured : 2
VPN-Instance Name RD Create time
vpn1 100:1 2012/02/13 12:49:08
vpn2 100:2 2012/02/13 12:49:20
# Use the
command on the PEs to verify that the PEs can ping their attached CEs, for example,
on PE 1.
[PE1] ping ipv6 -vpn-instance vpn1 2001:1::1
Ping6(56 bytes) 2001:1::2 --> 2001:1::1, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 2001:1::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=9.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001:1::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001:1::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 time=0.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001:1::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=64 time=0.000 ms
56 bytes from 2001:1::1, icmp_seq=4 hlim=64 time=0.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 2001:1::1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/2.000/9.000/3.521 ms
Establish EBGP peer relationships between the PEs and CEs to exchange VPN routes:
# Configure CE 1.
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] bgp 65410
[CE1-bgp] peer 2001:1::2 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE1-bgp-ipv6] peer 2001:1::2 enable
[CE1-bgp-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-ipv6] quit
[CE1-bgp] quit
# Configure the other three CEs (CE 2 through CE 4) in the same way that CE 1 is configured.
(Details not shown.)
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] bgp 100