To set or modify a CPG’s autogrow size, issue the
setcpg -sdgs <size> <CPG_name>
command, where:
-sdgs <size>
is the amount of LD storage created during each autogrow operation. For
the minimum default growth sizes per number of nodes, see
Table 6 (page 78)
is the name of the CPG being created.
Consolidating Common Provisioning Group Space
Compacting a CPG allows you to reclaim space from a CPG that has become less efficient in
space usage from creating, deleting, and relocating volumes. Compacting consolidates LD space
in CPGs into as few LDs as possible.
To consolidate CPG space, issue the
compactcpg <CPG_name>
compactcpg <pattern>
command, where:
is the name of the CPG you wish to compact.
is the pattern name to which matching CPGs are compacted.
For a complete list of options available for the
command, see the HP 3PAR Command
Line Interface Reference and the HP 3PAR CLI Help.
Removing a Common Provisioning Group
You cannot remove a CPG that still has virtual volumes provisioned from it.
To remove a CPG and the LDs that make up that CPG, issue the
removecpg <CPG_name>
command, where
is the name of the CPG being removed.
For a complete list of options available for the
command, see the HP 3PAR Command
Line Interface Reference and the HP 3PAR CLI Help.
Virtual Volume Types
There are three types of virtual volumes:
Administrative Volumes
Administrative volumes are created by the system and are for system usage only.
It is strongly recommended that you do not tamper with the
Virtual volumes have three separate data components:
User space is the area of the volume that corresponds to the LD regions in the CPG available
to the host. The user space contains the user data and is exported as a LUN to the host.
Snapshot space, also known as copy space, is the area of the volume that corresponds to LD
regions in the CPG containing copies of user data that changed since a snapshot of the volume
was created. The snapshot space contains the copy data.
Administration space, also known as admin space, is the area of the volume that corresponds
to LD regions in the CPG that track changes to the volume since a snapshot was created. The
administration space contains pointers to copies of user data in the snapshot space.
Administration space is managed by the system, not with the tools you use to manage user
and snapshot space.
You can increase the size of volumes, the amount of user space, and the amount of snapshot space
for volumes as the requirements increase. If the user space and snapshot space use all available
space, the HP 3PAR Virtual Copy Software feature’s copy-on-write operation will fail. To avoid
running out of user space, use TPVVs to automatically draw more user space from a CPG. The HP
Virtual Volume Types