Tune the user space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
, indicating
the user space of the new CPG will be used.
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Tune the snapshot space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv snp_cpg <CPG_name>
snp_cpg <CPG_name>
indicates the CPG to where the snapshot space is moved.
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Changing Virtual Volume Fault-Tolerance Levels
Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the volume fault-tolerance level of a TPVV, perform the following:
Create a new CPG with the desired fault-tolerance level and RAID type. See
“Creating a
Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Change the TPVV’s fault-tolerance level by issuing the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
is the TPVV you are modifying.
Fully-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the volume fault-tolerance level of a fully-provisioned virtual volume, perform the following:
Create a new CPG with the desired fault-tolerance level and RAID type. See
“Creating a
Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Change the fully-provisioned virtual volume’s fault-tolerance level by issuing the
usr_cpg <CPG_name> <volume_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Tune the snapshot space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv snp_cpg <CPG_name>
snp_cpg <CPG_name>
indicates the CPG to where the snapshot space is moved.
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Changing Virtual Volume Parameters
Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the parameters of a TPVV, perform the following:
Create a new CPG with the parameters you wish to apply to the volume. See
“Creating a
Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Issue the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name> <TPVV_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
is the TPVV you are modifying.
Fully-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the parameters of a fully-provisioned virtual volume, perform the following:
Performance Tuning