Guide to Features & Upgrades
Writer: Elizabeth Hedstrom Saved by: Lydia Sanchez Saved date: 04/27/98 2:12 PM
Pages: 6 Words: 900 Template: c:\template\commapp.dot
File Name Appb.doc Part Number 314127-001
Location of SW1 DIP Switches on the System Board
Disabling or
Clearing the Power-
On and Setup
To disable the power-on or setup password features, or to clear
the power-on or setup passwords if you forget them and cannot
access the computer system or Computer Setup, complete the
following steps:
1. Set SW1, position 1, to the ON position.
2. Turn on the computer and allow the operating system to
start. This clears the current passwords and disables the
password features.
3. To reenable the password features, turn off the computer
and set SW1, position 1, to the OFF position.
4. Turn on the computer and establish new passwords. Refer
to the Software Reference Guide for instructions.