Installing the Hub
Installing Your Hub
Figure 1-3. Hub-to-Rack Assembly
Wall Mounting
Using a Phillips (crosshead) No. 2 screwdriver, attach the mounting brackets
to the hub with 8-mm (approximately 5/16") M4 screws included in the
accessory kit. Then attach the hub to a wood surface (minimum 1/2-inch
plywood or equivalent) with No. 12 (5/8") wood screws with a Phillips Cross-
head No. 2 screwdriver.
HP recommends that the bottom of the hub should be flush with the wall. The
brackets should be positioned at the front of the hub. The face of the hub
should be pointing up.
Note that the wood screws are not included in the accessory kit. Wood screws have
a pointed and for boring into the wood, unlike rack screws which are flat on the end.
Table Mounting
To place the hub on a table or other horizontal surface, no special tools are
necessary. Apply the four feet included in the accessory kit onto the bottom
of the hub. Be certain to pick a sturdy table in an uncluttered area. You may
want to secure the hub’s cables to the leg of the table to prevent people from
tripping over them.