Advanced User Instructions
B – Day to day or week
Time programs can also be copied from day to the whole week or from day to day for example Tuesday
to Wednesday.
Day to week
While in the time clock see page 13 the key followed by the key can be used to copy the current
day to the whole week. The procedure is shown in further detail by the illustration on page 16.
Day to day
While in the time clock see page 13 the current day can be copied to another day by using the key
two or more times to select the target day. The key is used to complete the copy of the current day
to the target day. The procedure is shown in further detail by the illustration below.
Enter from heating cycle program
Day copying
Day to copy (source day)
Week Copying
Target day to
Copy to
Press to copy
Source day copied
To target day
Target day =
Source for next copy
Press again to
select target day
Copy again
Day copied to
whole week
Beginning of
week now
Press to copy